Archive for October 21st, 2010

I.M.Rocker @ ACADIA 2010 Life in:formation

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Ingeborg M. Rocker of Rocker-Lange Architects has been invited to serve as a panelist at this year’s ACADIA conference at the Cooper Union in New York. ACADIA 2010 will focus on the changing nature of information and its impact on architectural education, research, and practice.

The conference will gather leading practitioners, theorists, and researchers who will examine the relation that architecture has with technology and information, and how the latter propels today’s most innovative design experimentation and research. ACADIA 2010 will be centered on a series of keynote lecturers, invited panelists, peer-reviewed essay sessions – included on a proceedings publication- and two groundbreaking exhibition including peer-reviewed projects -featured in an exhibition catalog.

CONFERENCE: October 21 – October 24 of 2010
The Great Hall of The Cooper Union and Rose Auditorium, 7 East 7th Street, New York, NY 10003

The Great Hall of The Cooper Union – free admission

WORKSHOPS: October 17 – October 20 of 2010
Different labs in New York City

EXHIBITIONS: October 21 – November 10 of 2010
The Great Hall Gallery of The Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street, New York, NY 10003
(Opening + discussion: Oct. 23, 6pm) and
The Pratt Institute, Siegel Gallery, 61 St. James Place, Brooklyn, NY 11238
(Opening + discussion: Oct. 22, 7pm)

ACADI@NY, LIVE PERFORMANCES: October 23 of 2010, 9pm
The Great Hall of The Cooper Union