“On the Bri-n-k” Robotic built wall at the GSD
Professor Ingeborg M. Rocker, Rocker-Lange Architects – developed with students at the GSD, Harvard University a robotic built wall.
Student quotes:
“This was the best experience so far at the GSD: generating a digital design, fabricating a model and then building it in a 1:1 scale.” Jeff LaBoskey
“A whole set of new challenges occurred when we started to build the design – and a constant re-adjustments of design and building process had to happen – overall great fun and a fantastic learning experience for all of us. The most rewarding is to be in the space we have created and to watch people experiencing it.” Misato Odanaka
“This is the type of experience for which I came to the GSD! More of this!” Teresa McWalters
On the Bri-n-ck project, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design
Ingeborg M.Rocker
Leading Team:
Jeff LaBoskey
Misato Odanaka
Benjamin Franceschi
Teresa McWalters
Jessica Rosenkrantz, Nervous System
Jesse Louis-Rosenberg, Nervous System
Christian J. Lange, Rocker-Lange Architects
Core Team:
Natalya Egon
Ricardo Munoz
Matthew Swaidan
Tory Wolcott
Masana Amamiya, Sen Ando, Ben Brady, Julian Bushman-Copp, Lindsay Chandler-Alexander, Brad Crane, Theodore Diehl, Elizabeth Farley, Matthew Fiely, Chelsea Garunay, Jeremy Jih, Tessa Kelly, Jeongyon Kim, Jessica Knobloch, Carl Koepcke, Annie Kountz, Eva Leung, Cara Liberatore, Lesley McTague. Paul Merrill, Brian Militana, Yuhka Miura, Jason Phipps, Alicia Taylor, Jessica Vaughn, Ka Yip
Special Thanks:
Stephen Hickey
Martin Bechthold
Junior Faculty Grant and Preston Scott Cohen, Chair of the Architecture Department
Tags: Critical Digital Conference, Harvard GSD, Parametric Architecture, Robotics